xionarcadia Admin replied

523 weeks ago

Current Members
Halcyon Days: PLD
Black Out : WAR
-Recruiting- : SCH
White Out : WHM
Adala Ashdale : MNK
Sir Barbe : BLM
Drakorin Regalt : DRG
Xion Arcadia : BRD

Currently working on: Prepping for 3.0

Raid Times

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/xionarcadia

Lavender Town Refugee's Raid Theme

-Weekly Focus-

Cap Poetics 450 each week
Cracking T13
Work on Zodiac quests and making dat gil

1) Come to Raid with food/potions ready to go. Before we set foot into coil, prepare what you need.
2) Arrive 15 minutes earlier to be accounted and prepared.
3) Designate any gear you need with your counterpart (Whm/Sch, Drg/Mnk, War/Pld, and Blm/Smn) when building your class. Refer with each other to plan out your BiS loot drops.
4) Roll on gear in order of Primary class, Secondary class, lvl 50 ready to go, wanting to lvl this class for raiding purposes, and finally if none of the above were doled out (If no one need for primary/secondary, lvl 50 to swap out for raid use, wanting to lvl a character for raid use.)
5) When Raid leader is explaining order, please remain silent
6) Watch videos and prepare yourself for what is to come. We are going to be pressing content.
7) For content that is not locked, feel free to attempt with other people to share ideas and strategies with the group.

last edited 523 weeks ago by xionarcadia

xionarcadia Admin replied

523 weeks ago

Lets keep track of days requests on this page and any other information pertaining to our raid groups.

last edited 523 weeks ago by xionarcadia
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