Welcome to the Bad Wolves Free Company Recruitment tab.
Bad Wolves was established for raiders by raiders. We are a group of adult gamers in search for internet shineys and shits and giggles with friends. We promote respectable execution of content while maintaining a degree of fun. If you are not having fun, you are not doing it right. We also provide a welcoming environment to those who are new and returning to the game. We can provide assistance on gearing, class knowledge, and much more. We don't cradle and baby our members. You are expected to have a desire to learn and not to be hand fed. Overall we are all here enjoying the game together
These are guidelines that must be followed as a member of our organization
- Respect one another as well as their time. If it is something Google can answer, you will feel pretty silly.
- Refrain from entering raid channel's during their designated raid times. If you do so please remain silent and observer until acknowledged.
- Before asking for advice, ask yourself are you willing to accept the advice before lashing out on others.
- Refrain from acting rude towards one another. If they do not after being told, contact and officer.
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