Scowayl replied

452 weeks ago

Android 9-Patch Viewer >

Android 9-Patch Viewer

Update Notification You will be notified when new version is published. Need Help? Please feel free to join our Community on Google+. Possibility to perform basic edit operations with image (move, crop, per-pixel-draw) As you can see there is still a lot of things to do to improve the editor, but it is already much more user-friendly than Android standard editor. Feature Based on Java It's been developed using Java. Here is how I see it: 1. Proportion instead of pixel Values can be reused because it uses proportion instead of pixel internally. No more pixel clicking Larger margin area than the original tool makes you work more easily.

Comfortable WYSIWYG editor easily add, move, resize and remove patches 2. With this tool, you can create a nine patched image more easily and more efficiently than before. Stack Overflow Questions Jobs Tags Users Badges Ask Question Page Not Found We couldn't find the page you requested. We did, however, find this program. You can not draw lines with your mouse after an evaluation period is over. .. Anyway, thanks for the great work, this tool is a must-have for Android developer! I love the simplicity, ease of use, and pixel perfect precision! Reply Mikle Mar 14, 2014 17:26:53 Thanks for the feedback! I will add all of those features in future updates for sure. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled . Save file with single click When saving a file, there is no need to specify the file location and a file name. You can visit to check whether it is installed, and download the recent version of Java Runtime Environment.

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