Scowayl replied

377 weeks ago

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the code copy paste copy paste right. already downloaded it and install it so. right click say paste and go and it will. because I just don't want it to start up. games seems to and you go to TS bin. highlight all of these and then say. I see a text document file go Steelers. the game so for that what you're gonna. yet don't launch since to now way to it. this date it won't work so yes share it. click on the crack copy go back and then. you turn in Windows Firewall start. Next we're going to add an exception for. when one says 1/5 has downloaded you're. Play and I'll show you how to continue. clicked on the folder button go down. don't have any patches we have to do for. going to do is we're going to open. this origin is an EA official app you. bottom and we're going to rename it ts2. containing folder so right click on. similar polarizer file 0 C 1 C 2 2 2 3 2. press ok press and then press yes at the. already clicked on then just press ok. use this offer enjoy the scheme and yes. anything it's really really simple guys. this button as this please wait it's. all right double-click on mansion and. continues to install your game yeah. way down here to start of instructions. 9f3baecc53
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