Scowayl replied

454 weeks ago

Sins-of-a-solar-empire-patch-1-82 >

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Updated Allegiance progression in Gameplay.Constants on the later stages to drop by .05 on levels 7-8. Reason for Karma (Optional) Successfully updated karma reason! We're looking up the edits for this post. Reply #23 WOEaintME Join Date 05/2013 18 December 18, 2013 12:57:36 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums I agree with Timmaigh, once you get multiple Hard AIs down it's just a matter of speed as the AI doesn't get any smarter, it just gets more money to outspend you. unfortunately . I can't add another race . Added new planet bonuses to GalaxyScenarioDefs (thanks Goafan!). Don't think of starbases as they are in vanilla. If too many people are beating vicious easily and on a regular basis, it seems the solution is to add an extra difficulty level and lessen the gaps between them, not to increase the gaps.

Correct me if i am wrong. Reply Good karma 2 votes . Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion v1.83 Opt-In Available 17 Dec, 2015 Ironclad Games and Stardock are pleased to present an opt-in for Sins of a Solar Empire version 1.83 today. ideally 26 unique voices, multiply that for 4 races . Updated GalaxyScenarioDef uncolonizable gravity wells w/resources to be guarded by Pirates, not neutral factions. Aenarion Oct 5 2014 You are posting this everywhere, which is in fact Spamming. you have done a good job with this. Updated GalaxyScenarioDef uncolonizable gravity wells w/resources to be guarded by Pirates, not neutral factions. I must of missed this one. Reply Good karma 2 votes .

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last edited 378 weeks ago by Scowayl
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