7364070fa0 It's useless ConsThey list a lot songs and tracks but you can't download 90% of them in the full version. 5 22 ratings 153K downloads Pros: Fast downloads Cons: Does not give as many results as Emule . CherryPlayer 2.4.1 License Free Language English Icon Description Unlimited streaming audio, playlists, and YouTube downloads. Any further comments, contact us anytime at our Support Email: supporteasymp3downloader.com Report this post 4 stars "Good reviews. Chhers ConsAm I taking a risk downloading from the songs sites.??? Do U have the written permission from the providers,.??? Am I liable for infringing anything here,??? Cheers SummaryThere is always an element of risk. While I don't agree with piracy this program basically is charging people access to illegal files that you can get with other programs, browser etc for free Reply to this review Read reply (1) Was this review helpful? (0) (1) Report this post Email this post Permalink to this post Reply by EasyMP3Downloader on October 16, 2012 This is the developer of Easy MP3 Downloader.Our software is designed to help users find free music sources easily by searching the biggest public video and audio websites. Reply to this review Read reply (1) Was this review helpful? (0) (0) Report this post Email this post Permalink to this post Reply by MP3FreeDownloader on September 9, 2014 This is the Support team of MP3 Free Downloader.
The search bar accepts song title queries as well as artist or bands names to bring you all possible music versions from different sites. DownloaduTorrent Download and manage torrent files. The Moretab also offers you additional links to YouTube videos, concerts details, etc. Greatly appreciated! ConsNone for me. But this app doesn't recognize the website you're using. Cons 100MB download limit for this trial version. If you can download multiple songs that you should have to pay for then this is not legal - yes you pay a small amount for the software but that covers the software not the tracks (read the small print).
Scowayl replied
450 weeks ago